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Pier Solar and the Great Architects HD is a curious thing; released as a brand-new Sega Genesis game in 2010, cartridge and all, this indie RPG emulated heyday classics like Lunar while distinguishing itself through a strength

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Sega - Mega CD & Sega CD - Samplers-Redump 9 11/06/18 0 Sega - Mega Drive 20160131 No-Intro 1698 11/02/16 0 Sega - Mega Drive - Hacks 3.00 Cowering 118 23/06/12 0 Sega - Mega Drive - Music 1.01 Titoph 224 24/04/13 0 2014/10/16 Pier Solar was originally designed and developed for the SEGA Mega Drive and SEGA Genesis. Yes, you read that right!! It was actually the only newly developed game for SEGA's 16-bit system in the new millennium. It's not a 2011/11/01 2017/03/28 2012/12/19

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